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Claret Capital Partners
Claret Capital Partners is looking to make investments in the business software and services, finance and payroll, consumer and marketplaces, networks and industrial tech, marketing and ad tech, and healthcare sectors. The company was established as a result of a spin-off from Harbert Management.
Sure Valley Ventures
The Sure Valley Ventures looking to engage in seed-stage software businesses in the artificial intelligence, immersive technologies, e-sports, gaming, internet of things, infosec, machine learning, and cybersecurity sectors in both Europe and the US.
2xN operates as a venture capital firm.
Flashpoint Venture Capital
Flashpoint is an international asset management firm investing in tech businesses.
Oxford Science Enterprises (OSE)
Oxford Science Enterprises a university-partnered venture firm, investing in early-stage life science, AI & software, and deep tech.
Vektor Partners
VC investor in the mobility revolution.
Crane Venture Partners
VC firm investing into seed and early stage intelligent enterprise and deep tech companies in Europe.
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